by ThePath | Mar 1, 2023 | Updates
We’ve gotten through, in my opinion, the worst two months of the year. I try very hard not to think that way, but lets face it; Wisconsin winters are not fun. January feels LONG and February is typically cold and very gray. I must admit, the past two months...
by ThePath | Dec 21, 2022 | Updates
I’ve struggled over the past few days on how to begin my last entry of 2022. For the last three years, I’ve followed an intention-setting program at the end of the year which includes choosing a word or theme for the upcoming year. 2022’s word and...
by ThePath | Apr 15, 2022 | Updates
Good Morning! It’s been a while since I’ve updated. Truth be told, there really wasn’t much to say. The last two weeks of recovery have been more of an emotional/mental struggle for me and who wants to talk, much less read about that?! ...
by ThePath | Mar 21, 2022 | Updates
It’s hard to believe that exactly one week ago today at this time, I was having a tumor cut out of my brain. Here I am 8 days later at home, doing my best to use both hands to type. I’ve included the grossest and most fascinating pic of my brain. ...
by ThePath | Mar 12, 2022 | Updates
“Sounds like an opportunity” I woke up this morning and realized I’m less than 48 hours out from surgery. There are a few observations I wanted to make before the day arrives. Right after I published my Wednesday update, John turned on the TV and...
by ThePath | Mar 6, 2022 | Updates
Buckle up….I have some updates! I want to start by thanking everyone again for your prayers, texts, and calls. I physically felt the love and prayers sent to me, during the entirety of the MRI. The MRI that I had on Monday was a breeze! At no point did I...