I cannot believe March is already here!

I cannot believe March is already here!

We’ve gotten through, in my opinion, the worst two months of the year.  I try very hard not to think that way, but lets face it;  Wisconsin winters are not fun.  January feels LONG and February is typically cold and very gray.  I must admit, the past two months...
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

I’ve struggled over the past few days on how to begin my last entry of 2022.  For the last three years, I’ve followed an intention-setting program at the end of the year which includes choosing a word or theme for the upcoming year.  2022’s word and...
Pathology Results

Pathology Results

Good Morning!  It’s been a while since I’ve updated.  Truth be told,  there really wasn’t much to say.  The last two weeks of recovery have been more of an emotional/mental struggle for me and who wants to talk,  much less read about that?! ...
One Week ago

One Week ago

It’s hard to believe that exactly one week ago today at this time, I was having a tumor cut out of my brain.  Here I am 8 days later at home, doing my best to use both hands to type.  I’ve included the grossest and most fascinating pic of my brain. ...
Sounds like an opportunity

Sounds like an opportunity

“Sounds like an opportunity” I woke up this morning and realized I’m less than 48 hours out from surgery.  There are a few observations I wanted to make before the day arrives. Right after I published my Wednesday update, John turned on the TV and...
Buckle Up

Buckle Up

Buckle up….I have some updates! I want to start by thanking everyone again for your prayers, texts, and calls.  I physically felt the love and prayers sent to me, during the entirety of the MRI.    The MRI that I had on Monday was a breeze!  At no point did I...