Winding Down

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Her Story | 0 comments

This is not a long blog post.  Rather, it’s a precursor to my end-of-the-year post which will be much longer.

Every year around this time, I evaluate my year and plan for the next.  As I’ve indicated in a past post, I like to break my time down into three separate “years”.

  1. First, the liturgical year, which this year begins this Sunday, Dec. 2.  Last year I vowed that I would not miss one single Sunday mass, regardless of where I was.  John and I attended mass in Denver, CO, Stamford, CT, and Bailey’s Harbor, Door County.  I feel like I’m missing a few, but for the most part, we were in our church at Holy Apostles in New Berlin.
  2. My second “year” is the traditional new year which begins on January 1. Years ago, I ceased making resolutions and instead, I now make lists of things I want to do;  A bucket list of sorts so to speak. In looking back on what I wanted to do, vs. what I’ve done, it’s clear that a few of those goals will be carrying over into 2024.  This is due primarily to the fact that I have had a bum hip (that’s being replaced on Wednesday 12/6) for the majority of this year.
  3. The last “year” I celebrate is the year that begins on my birthday. I’m currently in my 56th year on this earth.

This is NOT my last post of the year.  Rather, it’s a wind-down to the last post.

I am going through all of my notebooks and looking at what I’ve written down, lists that I’ve made, quotes I’ve wanted to save and remember and starting the process of summarizing all of it.

I enjoy looking back on what I intended to do, and what I’ve actually done, and seeing how well the word of the year grew into fruition.

Spoiler alert;  My word for 2023 was Love. 
More on that in the next post.

About Me

In February 2022, I was diagnosed with brain cancer and it changed my whole life perspective. This blog is dedicated to my Journey through cancer diagnosis, recovery, and finding the humor in life.


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