Traversing Cancer Diagnosis and Recovery & Reveling in Life’s Hilarious Twists with a Dash of Unfiltered Wit

Winding Down

Winding Down

This is not a long blog post.  Rather, it’s a precursor to my end-of-the-year post which will be much longer. Every year around this time, I evaluate my year and plan for the next.  As I’ve indicated in a past post, I like to break my time down into three separate...

Winding Down

Winding Down

This is not a long blog post.  Rather, it’s a precursor to my end-of-the-year post which will be much longer. Every year around this time, I...

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Obituaries as Love Letters

Obituaries as Love Letters

I recently read an obituary of a young 31 man our family knew.  It was horrible.  There was nothing in the obit that really stated how much this...

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Lessons in Fragility

Lessons in Fragility

Fragility: fra·gil·i·ty /frəˈjilədē/ the quality of being easily broken or damaged. "osteoporosis is characterized by bone fragility" the quality of...

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Living within your means

Living within your means

What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “living within your means”?  For most of us, I’m guessing you think of being fiscally responsible and...

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Lighten Up, Francis!

Lighten Up, Francis!

We all have that one trusted friend with whom we can discuss anything and everything. At least, I’m hoping everyone who’s reading this has that....

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A Case for Suffering

A Case for Suffering

John and I recently binged a show on Apple TV called The Foundation. It’s loosely based on the Foundation series of short stories by Isaac Asimov. I...

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