by ThePath | Jul 12, 2023 | Her Story
John and I recently binged a show on Apple TV called The Foundation. It’s loosely based on the Foundation series of short stories by Isaac Asimov. I won’t go into great detail about the series, except to say that it’s as sci-fi as a show can get. Basically, “the...
by ThePath | Jul 6, 2023 | Her Story
I think this might well be the most revised blog post I’ve ever written. In writing this, and looking back on my own employment journey, I started to remember more and more of my work history and realized I wasn’t as awesome an employee as I thought I was LOL. That’s...
by ThePath | Jul 1, 2023 | Her Story
Midwest States as Family Members: A Unique Comparison of Birth Order Dynamics, featuring Wisconsin as the Midwest’s petulant middle child pet·u·lant adjective (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered. “he was moody and petulant”...
by ThePath | Jun 22, 2023 | Her Story
Congratulations! You didn’t die. Now what? For those of you just joining this blog, I’ve spent the past 491 days battling brain cancer. The archived posts in this blog are all from a caring bridge that I’ve been keeping for the past year. Now that my cancer...
by ThePath | Jun 21, 2023 | Her Story
1 year, 4 months, and 6 days. February 19, 2022, to today 6/26/23. FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY-ONED DAYS of treatment. This entire post is dedicated to my incredible oncology care team at Froedtert, my friends, and my family who stood beside me literally and virtually....
by ThePath | Jun 4, 2023 | Her Story
Today is a big day for me for two reasons: First, I was able to walk part of the one-mile survivors walk at the Strain for the Brain run/walk fundraiser for brain cancer, sponsored by Froedtert Hospital. Fortunately, I had friends and family beside me to keep me...
by ThePath | May 24, 2023 | Her Story
I had intended for this post to be completely different from what it’s turned out to be. I have been typing up my posts ahead of time so that I can amend them as I find the need for changes to the post when I draw closer to the day I post the article. I’m very...
by ThePath | May 9, 2023 | Musings
I remember writing last year on this day that I was officially mid-way through my fifties, given that I was 55. I also wrote about how I’d be spending the entire year on chemo. While I was indeed on chemo for my entire 55th year on earth and I still have two more...
by ThePath | Apr 29, 2023 | Musings
Two things: 1. I had my lipids and inflammation marker redone on the labs from this past Wednesday. 3 weeks and 2 days after I cut out sugar and meat and all processed foods. My doctor said cholesterol doesn’t drop that fast and it would take 3 months. I’m...
by ThePath | Apr 26, 2023 | Musings
Exactly one year ago today, I swallowed my first chemo pill and went to my first radiation treatment. Five weeks later, on June 6, 2022, I rang the bell at the radiation oncology clinic at Froedtert. By that point, almost all of the hair, on the top of my head, was...